Financial, Accounting & Sustainability Research Team – FAST
The objective of FAST (Financial, Accounting & Sustainability Research Team) is to promote the study and research in the areas of finance, accounting and sustainability, especially on topics related to sustainable finance and financial innovation.
The group brings together researchers dedicated to education, knowledge production, organization of seminars and development of applied projects that meet the demands of society. Its members have articles published in high-impact scientific journals, as well as books and studies presented at national and international conferences.
Research Lines
Business Administration and Economics
The group’s main research themes include, but are not limited to:
- Sustainable finance
- Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) practices
- Financial innovation
- Financial and capital markets
- Investment and financing decisions
- Evaluation of projects and companies, mergers and acquisitions
- Accounting and financial analysis
- Economics
- Statistical and econometric methods
- Derivatives and risk
- Insurance and pensions
Research and Scientific Publication
FAST coordinators and researchers have extensive experience in publishing articles in scientific journals, books, book chapters, international and national conferences. In addition, they actively participate in teaching at graduate level, and supervising master and doctoral theses.
The consolidated list of publications by FAST researchers includes:
- 116 articles published in national and international scientific journals
- 14 books
- 59 book chapters
- 164 works presented at conferences in Brazil and abroad
- 10 supervised doctoral theses
- 128 supervised master theses
The detailed list of each publication can be seen in the Curriculum Lattes of each FAST researcher.
Publications in the following international scientific journals stand out:
- Journal of Financial Economics
- Journal of Corporate Finance
- Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal
- European Journal of Operational Research
- International Journal of Accounting
- International Journal of Finance & Economics
- International Review of Financial Analysis
- Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money
- Quantitative Finance
- Applied Economics
- Applied Financial Economics
- Corporate Governance
- Economic Systems
- Economic Modelling
- Economics Bulletin
- Emerging Markets Review
- Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
- Energy Efficiency
- Energy Economics
- Finance Research Letters
- International Journal of Disclosure and Governance
- International Review of Economics & Finance
- Journal of Economics and Business
- Journal of Economic Studies
- Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
- Latin American Business Review
- North American Journal of Economics and Finance
- Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
- Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
- Sustainability
Dialogue between Theory and Practice
FAST works on the dialogue between theory and practice, encouraging its researchers and students to publish articles in scientific journals, national and international congresses and participate in research and consultancy projects for multilateral institutions (World Bank, IDB, UN), government (CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ) and private companies of different sizes and sectors.
FAST’s contributions to doctoral, master, undergraduate and executive education include the following courses:
- Banking with Econometrics
- Corporate Finance I
- Corporate Finance II
- Corporate Governance
- Data Analysis
- Derivatives
- Econometrics
- Investment Portfolio Management
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Management
- Global Economics
- International Finance
- Macrofinance
- Managerial Accounting
- Real Options Approach to Valuation
FAST encourages frequent dialogue with academia and companies by organizing various meetings and seminars, such as:
- COPPEAD Finance Seminar –monthly seminar with researchers from universities and institutions in Brazil and abroad
- Rio de Janeiro Finance Meeting – annual finance conference in Rio de Janeiro.
News and Communication with Society
FAST researchers regularly contribute to national and international media, including: CNN Brasil, Forbes, BBC, Global Americans, Valor Econômico, Valor Investe, O Globo, G1, Globonews, Jornal Nacional, Investing, Exame, Istoé Dinheiro, O Estado de São Paulo, Correio Braziliense, Jornal Extra, Jornal do Commercio, Diário do Comércio, Gazeta do Povo, UOL, iG, InfoMoney, among others.
The full reports can be read at: COPPEAD News
FAST researchers have received, over the years, grants and financial assistance from several funding agencies, including CNPq, CAPES and FAPERJ.