Study Center – Business Analytics and Economics – BAE Research Unit
The BAE Research Unit aims to propose predictive and causal models, in addition to various operational optimization techniques, using statistical methods and operational research. The center focuses, based on its research and models with computational techniques, the generation of insights that contribute to the performance of different businesses.
The center produces knowledge and tools to help managers make decisions based on data, using sophisticated techniques, which can bring together mathematical models, computational applications or fundamentals of behavioral sciences.
BAE’s objectives are:
- Assist business in decision-making based on data that mitigate bias in the decision-making process;
- Produce effective phenomenological interpretations that lead to decisions in order to assist performance;
- Develop causal models to support management decision;
- Structure and model constructs resulting from observations;
- Promote competitive advantage arising from the analysis of data collected, processed and modeled;
- Provide managers with mechanisms to identify uncertainties, alternatives and tradeoffs that assist in decision making.
The center uses the principles of Soft Computing (SC) and Operational Research in order to complement studies and advances in the area. Thus, researchers use the following conceptual and technical structures:
- Fuzzy Logic (FL)
- Neural Computing (NC)
- Evolutionary Computation (EC)
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Probabilistic Reasoning (PR)
These techniques are selected according to the identified problem, and can be worked together or in a complementary character.
Research and Consulting Projects
Empresas de diversos portes e dos mais variados setores podem receber contribuições relevantes oriundas das linhas de pesquisa do centro. Setores como infraestrutura, educação, financeiro, energia, turismo, entre outros, podem se beneficiar com avanços científicos no tema.
Dialogue between Theory and Practice
Student production in renowned journals in the area and production of models for application in different business contexts.
Foreign Higher Education Institutions
on several continents such as: Adolfo Ibanez University, University of Valparaiso, Florida Atlantic University, University of Columbia, Rollins College – Crummer Business School, New York University, University of Pretoria, Gregório Semedo University, University of Mining Technology, University of Lisbon, Beira Interior University, Montpellier Business School, University of Navarra, University of Bergamo, Birmingham University, Aston University, Queen Mary University, Islamic Azad University, Islamic University of Technology, University of Malaya and Jinan University.
National Higher Education Institutions
Courses Taught by the Center
- Doctorate (Met Quant 2, Introduction to R Language, Applied Econometrics in R, Production of Scientific Articles, Machine Learning in R, Construction and Validation of Scales, Case Method Seminar)
- Master (Statistics)
- COPPEAD Alumni (Data Science For Business – New)
Institutional partnerships
Within the stricto sensu graduate program:
- IPPMG / UFRJ (collaboration)
- CEFET-RJ (collaboration)
Consultancies carried out in the last 10 years:
- AWB – Agribusiness Freight Price Forecast
- BSM Engenharia – Resource Dimensioning in Packaging Shed via Vehicle Routing and Work Team Programming
- CSA Thyssenkrupp – MRO / Spare Parts Inventory Management
- ERGO – Validation of Cost Freight Matrix – Pharmaceutical Industry
- FAPERJ – Logistics Benchmarking in Brazil – Infrastructure and Service Delivery
- General Electric – Efficiency Analysis in Production Chains: Infrastructure and Logistics
- Kubo Engenharia – Logistics Condominiums in Vitória da Conquista: Benefits and Opportunities of the Southwest Logistics Park
- Lojas Americanas – Logistics and Supply Chain Training
- L´Oreal – Inventory Profile Analysis and Multicriteria Classification
- Lógum – Analysis of Economic Factors in Road Freight Transport
- Lógum – Evaluation of Available Storage Capacity in Ethanol Plants
- Lógum – Approval of Logistics Networks
- Lógum – Impacts of Law 12.619 on Freight Costs and Prices
- Lógum – Econometric Models for Road and Rail Freight Price Forecasting
- Ministry of Sports / FIFA / CNPq – Analysis of the Efficiency of Brazilian Airports – Focus on Short-Term Capacity Management
- VIX Logística – Impact of Movements in Inventory Control
Pesquisa e Publicação
- Article (s)
- Books
- Reporting
- Workshops and seminars with teachers and researchers
- Congress on Language R (2016)
- Congress on Fuzzy Logic (2016)
Communication with society
- Books, book chapters and articles in magazines such as Tecnologística and Mundo Logística
- Scholarships for funding agencies
- Chairs and projects

Henrique Ewbank
Dalmo Marchetti