Sports Marketing Study Group – SMSG
The objective of this research group is to develop studies related to sports marketing in the Brazilian reality, contributing theoretically and managerially to the creation of knowledge in this area, especially with regard to sports sponsorship, whether in traditional sports or in e-Sports, including but not limited to: consumption of sports sponsorship; sponsorship of sports teams, athletes, sports organizations, sports events, sports facilities and sports broadcasts; sponsorship, impact and legacy of sports mega-events; endorsement of sports celebrities; sports fan behavior; sports consumption; consumer involvement, identification, engagement and compulsion with sports.
Relevance of the object of investigation
Although sponsorship has not been an exclusive phenomenon of sport over the past few decades, in many markets around the world, sports sponsorship has captured the majority of sponsorship spending. Sponsors see sport as a way to gain visibility and reach their target audiences. Sports sponsorship can also constitute an image-building platform. In addition, there are B2B benefits, given that sport can be a way for the company to build relationships with its stakeholders and develop new products and technologies in a collaborative way. For sports, on the one hand, sponsorship is a source of revenue, on the other, it can form a basis for collaborative relationships with a sponsor and a way to engage fans and consumers. For sports fans, sponsorship can be controversial (some perceive it as the hyper-commercialization of sport), but it can also be highly beneficial, as it creates opportunities for experiences around sports properties.
Research projects in progress
Sports Fan Attitude and Behavior – involvement, identification, engagement and compulsion of the sports and e-Sports fan with the modality, the team and the celebrities; their audience and consumption behavior in the universe of sports and e-Sports. Sports Sponsorship – alignment of sports sponsorship with the sponsors’ business strategy; reasons for sports sponsorship; sponsored property selection process; management of the activation of sponsorship actions; and measuring the results of sports sponsorship. Sports Mega-events: the impact of sports mega-events on the image, reputation and brand equity of organizers and sponsors; psychic income benefits and social impact and legacy of sports mega-events.
Training of researchers
Under the guidance of master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral students.
Dialogue between Theory and Practice
The Sports Marketing Research Group fosters recurring dialogue with companies in the sector through international meetings and seminars. In addition, the articles resulting from the research form the backbone of the Sports Sponsorship course of the master’s program.
Master’s course
ADM781 – Sports Sponsorship
Scientific production
Published Articles
- Mourão, T.; Ribeiro, T.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2022) Psychic income benefits of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games: comparison of host community pre- and post-Games perceptions. Journal of Sport and Tourism, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14775085.2021.2023364?scroll=top&needAccess=true. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14775085.2021.2023364.
- Ribeiro, T.; Calapez, A.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2021) Does the Olympic legacy and sport participation influence resident support for future events?. Leisure Studies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02614367.2021.2011951?scroll=top&needAccess=true. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02614367.2021.2011951.
- Ribeiro, T.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2021) Does the Olympic legacy perceived in the host city influence the resident support after the games?. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, v 13, n. 3, pp. 393-408. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19406940.2021.1898446.
- Ribeiro, T.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2021) Host city transportation issues: conceptualization, scale development, and validation. Sport, Business and Management, v. 11, n. 3, pp. 321-339. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/SBM-09-2020-0088.
- Ribeiro, T.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2021) The Rio’s transport legacy: pre- and post-Games resident perceptions. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, v. 22, n. 1, pp. 32-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSMS-04-2020-0073.
- Coelho, M.G.R; Amorim, J.G.B.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2019) Sports Mega-Event Sponsorship: The Impact of FIFA Reputation and World Cup Image on Sponsor Brand Equity. BAR – Brazilian Administration Review, v. 16, n. 1. ISSN: 1807-7692. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-7692bar2019180071.
- Santos, R.B.F.; Amorim, J.G.B.; Freitas, F.D.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2018) Team Nogueira: Invasão do Mixed Martial Arts no Universo Fitness. RAC – Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 22, n. 5, pp. 786-803. ISSN: 1415-6555. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1590/1982-7849rac2018170225.
- Amorim, J.G.B.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2017) Os Efeitos da Identificação Regional no Valor da Marca do Patrocinador Esportivo. READ – Revista Eletrônica de Administração, v. 23, n. 3, pp. 116-146. ISSN: 1413-2311. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1413-2311.159.60653.
- Freitas, F.D.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2017) Theoretical Model of Engagement in the Context of Brand Communities. BBR – Brazilian Business Review, v. 14, n. 1, pp. 86-106. ISSN: 1808-2386. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15728/bbr.2017.14.1.5.
- Sá, B.M.B.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2016) Sports Sponsorship Decision Model: A conceptual model proposition. In: Chadwick, S.; Chanavat, N.; Desbordes, M. (Eds). Routledge Handbook of Sports Marketing. London: Routledge. chapter 8, pp. 92-109.
- Düsenberg, N.B; Almeida, V.M.C.; Amorim, J.G.B. (2016) The Influence of Sports Celebrity Credibility on Purchase Intention: The Moderating Effect of Gender and Consumer Sports-Involvement. BBR – Brazilian Business Review, v. 13, n. 5, pp. 02-21. ISSN: 1808-2386. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15728/edicaoesp.2016.1
- Almeida, R.B.; Almeida, V.M.C.; Lima, D.F.P. (2015) Comunidades de Marca de Sports Fantasy Games: Identificação, engajamento, intenção de continuidade e valor da marca do patrocinador. REMark – Revista Brasileira de Marketing, São Paulo, v. 14, n. 1, pp. 33-48. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v14i1.2777. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v14i1.2777
- Amorim, J.G.B.; Almeida, V.M.C. (2015) The Effect of Simultaneous Sponsorship of Rival Football Teams. BAR – Brazilian Administration Review, v. 12, n. 1, pp. 63-87. DOI: 10.1590/1807-7692bar2015140059. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1590/1807-7692bar2015150009
Events Held
- International Seminar: Digital Sports: The Field Behind the Screen (2018)
- 3rd International Sports Marketing Meeting. Sports Marketing: eSports – Trends & Opportunities (2018)
- 2nd International Sports Marketing Meeting: Sports Sponsorship of Mega Events (2016)
- 1st International Sports Marketing Meeting. Sports Marketing: Learnings from London (2012)1st Inter Meeting. Sports Marketing: Learnings from London (2012)
Articles presented in International Conferences
- Ribeiro, T. & Almeida, V. (2020). Transportation Issues in Olympic Host Cities: Conceptualization, Scale Development, and Validation. 16th Asian Association for Sport Management Conference (AASM Conference 2020).
- Ribeiro, T., Correia, A. & Almeida, V. (2020). Olympic Legacy: An Evaluation of the Transforma Programme from the Rio Olympic Games. 16th Asian Association for Sport Management Conference (AASM Conference 2020).
- Ribeiro, T. & Almeida, V. (2020). Rio Olympic Games: comparison of residents’ pre- and post-event perceptions. European Association of Sport Management Conference (EASM Conference 2020).
- Ribeiro, T. & Almeida, V. (2020). Transport legacy perceptions among pre- and post-Games: a longitudinal study of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. 23º Congresso Internacional da Associação de Gestores do Desporto em Portugal (APOGESD).
- Ribeiro, T. & Almeida, V. (2021). Does the Olympic Legacy perceived in the Host City influence the Resident Support after the Games. 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão do Esporte (ABRAGESP).

Tiago Ribeiro
Associate Researcher
Flávia D’Albergaria Freitas
Associate Researcher
João Amorim
Associate Researcher
Thárcyla Mourão
Associate Researcher
André Gavinho
Associate Researcher
Luiz Felipe Vianna Gonçalves
Associate Researcher