Renato Cotta de Mello

Marketing and International Business
Renato Cotta de Mello
M.Sc in Business Administration, UFRJ
D.Sc. in Production Engineering, UFRJ
Teaching Areas
Internationalization of Companies
Research Interests
Entrepreneurship, International Business, Internationalization, Strategy
Postdoctoral from Ohio University (2010), D.Sc. in Production Engineering from Graduation Programs In Engineering fo Federal University of Rio De Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ) (2009) and M.Sc. in Administration from COPPEAD (1981). He is currently professor of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro allocated to COPPEAD. He is Latin American editor of the journal Academia. He is coordinator of the research project “Analytical Didactic Simulation: strategic uses of games in the public management of defense”, which involves partnership and exchange of students and teachers, scientific production in cooperation, organization of events and other subjects of common interest to all partners involved in the implementation of the objectives set out in the project. He has experience in conducting projects and studies in the fields of strategic planning and marketing, with emphasis in International Business, acting on the following subjects: marketing, strategy, case studies and firm internationalization. He is ad hoc consultant for FAPERJ (Rio de Janeiro State Research Support Foundation).
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