Luís Antônio Dib

Marketing and International Business
Luís Antônio Dib
M.Sc in Business Administration, UFRJ
D.Sc. in Business Administration, UFRJ
Teaching Areas
International Business, Judgment and Decision Making, Management Consulting Skills, Negotiation, Strategy
Research Interests
Internationalization, Judgment and Decision, Making
Associate Professor at COPPEAD Business School, within the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Dib holds both Doctor and Master degrees in Business Administration from COPPEAD and has a cum laude bachelor degree in Engineering (UFRJ). He teaches courses about Judgement & Decision Making, Business Strategy, International Business, Negotiation, and Management Consulting Skills for all COPPEAD’s programs, which include Doctoral, Ful-Time and Executive MBAs and in-company trainings. Dib had
created and directed several post-graduation courses and is constantly invited to conduct workshops and lectures for companies and institutions, and to be interviewed by the media about hot topics and trends in management and business. Dib also serves as Board Member for organizations.
Part of his academic research has been internationally recognized with the Highly Commended Award, granted by the Emerald Literati Club, for a paper about the entry of Walmart in Brazil and the competitive response of international and local firms. He also won “best work” awards from ANPAD (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration – Brazil’s main association for Business Administration). Dib had several papers published in Brazil and abroad and acts as associated editor and reviewer for relevant academic journals and conferences. He also was one of the winners of the “Jabuti Award” for best business book, contributing with a chapter in the book “Brazilian Multinationals”. Dib was the leader of the themes “International
Business” and “Competitive Advantage” within ANPAD. He was also Editor-in-Chief of international academic journal Latin American Business Review (LABR).
Dib’s previous work experience includes serving as Program Director for MBA courses at Ibmec-RJ, PMO and strategist at Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM) and as the head of Strategic Planning at Telesp (Telefonica). He worked for several years as a senior management consultant at Booz, Allen & Hamilton, having managed projects for national and multinational clients in Brazil and abroad. His
experience as a consultant encompass the telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare and retail industries in projects of growing with profitability, of identifying and developing new business and of strategic adaptation to competitive disruptions. Dib started his career at Shell as a product manager, participating in the launch of the convenience store concept in Brazil.
Dib holds both GLOCOLL and CWW certificates from Harvard Business School aimed at teaching techniques centered on students, and using the methodology of teaching cases in the classroom. He was honored several times by his EMBA
and Doctorate classes.
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