Leticia Moreira Casotti

Marketing and International Business
Leticia Moreira Casotti
M.Sc in Business Administration, UFRJ
D.Sc. in Production Engineering, UFRJ
Teaching Areas
Consumer Behaviour, Consumption Studies, Marketing
Research Interests
Consumer Behaviour, Consumption Studies, Marketing
Professor in the Area of Marketing and International Business at COPPEAD Graduate School of Business at UFRJ, where she teaches courses in Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Qualitative Research and Projects Marketing and Social Responsibility. Holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Master of Science Degree in Business Administration from Coppead/UFRJ; Doctor of Science Degree from the COPPE/UFRJ Production Engineering Program. Coordinator of the Centre for Consumption Studies, which includes the L’ORÉAL, FIAT and Coca cola Chairs. In addition to several national and international publications, Prof. Casotti is the author of À Mesa com a Família: um estudo do comportamento do consumidor de alimentos, a book published by Mauad, and is one of the organizers of Relações com os Consumidores: Experiências Brasileiras (also published by Mauad) and O Tempo da Beleza – Consumo e Comportamento Feminino, Novos Olhares, published by Editora Senac. She has also participated in training and research projects in various Brazilian companies.
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