Denise Lima Fleck

Organizations, Strategy and Information Systems
Denise Lima Fleck
M.Sc in Business Administration, UFRJ
Ph.D. in Business Administration, McGill University (Canadá)
Teaching Areas
Business Strategy, Corporate Growth
Research Interests
Business Strategy, Corporate Growth, Negotiation, Organizational Change, Strategy
Associate Professor at COPPEAD, she is holder of the Visagio Chair of Strategy and Organizational Growth. Bachelor in Electrical Engineering from PUC-Rio, Master of Sciences in Business Administration from COPPEAD and Ph.D. in Management from McGill University (Montreal, Canada), where she concluded the course with distinction. After working in medium and large companies, she returned to academic life in order to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and to develop useful management tools. While the Master program allowed her to deepen her comprehension about the inherent complexity of organizations, it was in the Doctoral course that she started a systematic investigation effort about questions related to the achievement and sustentation of high standard performance in organizations. Her doctoral thesis was the starting point of a research program on the healthy longevity of organizations which in the last 12 years has completed studies about more than 30 Brazilian long-lived organizations. She leads a research group in Brazil about the subjects Challenges to Corporate Growth, Long Term Estrategies and Healthy Longevity of Organizations. She was also a Brazil representative in the MINE International Project Research, when she developed studies about innovation management and its impact on the growth of the company. She teaches and researches subjects related to corporate strategy, corporate growth management, organizational change and negotiation. Her studies have been published in Brazil and abroad in scientific journals, books and conferences that have been awarding her original ideas, which have been useful to the management of companies and of various types of organization. She coordinates the Strategy and Organizational Growth Chair sponsored by Visagio, whose studies aim to advance the knowledge about the conception and implementation of strategy in a context of organizational growth, in order to distinguish healthy growth processes from those that are harmful to the continuity of the organization existence.
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