Celso Funcia Lemme

Celso Funcia Lemme
D.Sc. in Business Administration, UFRJ
M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, UFRJ
Teaching Areas
Environmental Finance
Research Interests
Evaluation of Investments and Companies, Sustainability
PhD in Finance, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Masters in Industrial Engineering with major in Evaluation of Investment Projects and Quantitative Methods, UFRJ. Degrees in Business Administration, Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV); and Statistics, Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). Associate Professor at COPPEAD Graduate School of Business, UFRJ, currently lecturing on Finance and Corporate Sustainability in both stricto sensu and lato sensu graduate and further education programs. Research projects in the areas of corporate sustainability, sustainable finance, and corporate valuation. Professor of Corporate Finance in further education and graduate programs at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), 1983—1999. At Aracruz Celulose SA (now Fibria SA), from 1981 to 1994, has been General Manager of Planning and Financial Analysis, having served previously at Souza Cruz SA (British American Tobacco group) in the area of investment projects evaluation and supplies planning. Currently a professor, lecturer and consultant in Corporate Sustainability, and Corporate Valuation. Has rendered services to companies and institutions in the energy, telecommunications, mining, health, pulp and paper, petroleum, and finance sectors.
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