Angela Maria Cavalcanti da Rocha

Marketing and International Business
Angela Maria Cavalcanti da Rocha
PhD. in Business Administration, IESE
M.Sc. in Administration, UFRJ
Teaching Areas
International Business, Research Methods
Research Interests
Internationalization of Companies, International Entrepreneurship, Digital Internationalization, Ethics in International Business
PhD in Business Administration from IESE Business School and M.Sc. in Business Administration from the COPPEAD Graduate School of Business at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She joined the teaching staff of Coppead as a full professor. She was previously a faculty member at the IAG Business School, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Researcher 1A at CNPq and Scientist of Our State at FAPERJ. Researcher and founding member of the Consortium for International Marketing Research (CIMaR) since 1992. She has 13 books published, as author or organizer, and hundreds of articles published in national and international journals, in chapters of national and international books and in conference proceedings. She was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by ANPAD (2021), Marketing Division, and Outstanding Leadership Award by CIMAR (2018), and twice received the Capes Theses Award as a supervisor. Since 1997 she is a project coordinator of PRONEX (Program of Centers of Excellence) of CNPq/FAPERJ.